Adding a Variety of Whole Grains to Your Diet

Ensuring that your diet is filled with a variety of whole grains is one way to pack nutritional value into each day. Most people are familiar with products like whole wheat bread, but there are lots of other grains to try. It can be fun to experiment with different grains. Here are three grains to look for on your next trip to the grocery store.


This whole-grain food is a great source of many nutrients, including manganese and iron. Although it sounds like it might be a variety of wheat, the two grains are actually unrelated. Buckwheat is used similarly to cereal and is a great hot breakfast option. Buckwheat can also be ground into flour and makes a great base for pancakes. Buckwheat is grown in many areas of the United States and around the world. Grain transport companies are used to widely distribute grains like buckwheat.


Millet is another whole grain that is often thought of as a cereal. Like buckwheat and oats, it can be cooked up and served at breakfast. Cooked millet also makes a great substitute for rice in recipes such as soups and stir-fry. Millet is high in fiber and also provides dietary magnesium, zinc, and other vitamins and minerals. Buckwheat and millet are both naturally gluten-free, making them a great grain choice for those who are gluten intolerant.


Spelt is an ancient variety of wheat that is becoming more and more popular. When spelt is ground into flour, it can be used the same way whole wheat flour is used. Spelt tends to have a nuttier flavor than wheat and is a bit more toothsome. Spelt can also be cooked whole and used in place of rice and pasta in many dishes.

Adding a variety of whole grains to your diet is a fun way to keep from getting bored with your food. It also provides a wide array of nutrients to keep your body healthy.